Distribution of Agency

The second dimension of the design space is “Dh node representing an “actant” something that can influence the system. The more connected an actant is the more influence it has over the systems processes and the resulting user experience.

While important actants of the network are typically human brains or artificial agents, other things that may also be considered actants include situational contexts, environmental conditions, space, time, and social dynamics. 

Egocentric (Centralised)

Egocentric distributions of agency form centralized actor networks. This means that most actants within the system connect to one, or a small number of “important” actants that monopolize the flow of agency. This is usually the brain of a single user who disproportionately influences the network and the resulting experience.

Allocentric (Decentralised)

Allcentric distributions of agency form decentralized actor networks. This means that there are no significatly “important” actaants monopolising the low of agency within the system. This means the brains of all users have equal opportunity to influence the network and the resulting  experience.